The media and political elites in Latin America

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico Quito jueves, 16 febrero 2017

The university’s Childhood, Adolescence and Youth Research Group (CINAJ for its acronym in Spanish) invites you to attend the conference titled “The media and political elites in Latin America” which is being organized with the collaboration of the Communication Faculty of Universidad Nacional de la Plata (UNLP) and the following groups from CLASCO: “Juventudes e infancias: políticas, culturas, memorias y construcción de paz” and “Comunicación, política y ciudadanía

The conference will take place on February 16th in the university’s branch campus in Quito; its aim is to present elements of analysis based on the history of alliances between massive means of communication and the economic-political elites of Latin America.

These elites have a strong relevance in the dreadful and bloody process  of latin American communities, such as dictatorships, civil wars and overthrowing democratic government during the XX century and up to now.

In this precise historic moment, CINAJ, UNLP and CLASCO suggest a space of reflection about the connection between communication, politics and the emancipation of countries from the region.

This event is aimed at under and post graduate students, researchers, professors, journalists, communicators, members of political and social organizations and the overall public.

The event is free of charge. Participants who would like to receive an attendance certificate must fill in this form.


Dr. Florencia Saintout.

Since May 1st, 2010 she has been the dean of the Journalism and Communication Faculty in UNPL. She is in charge of the Latin American Social Problems Research Center in UNPL.

She teaches “Communication and theories”, “communication and reception” and “Young cultures and communication in the Journalism and Communication Faculty in Universidad Nacional de La Plata since 1995. She is the coordinator of the “Communication, politics and citizenship” Work Group from the Latin American Council of Social Sciences.


René Unda Lara

Sociologist. Professor and researcher at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador. Researcher of the “Youth, childhood, policies, cultures and social institutions” Group, CLASCO. Editor of UNIVERSITAS, journal of social and human sciences. Author of several publications on youth and politics. He has been guest professor at several universities in Latin America and Spain.

Andrea De Santis

Communicator. Professor and researcher of the Communication Research Group at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Ecuador. Web editor of UPS, co-editor of UTOPIA magazine. Author of the article: the use of television spots in an electoral campaign, digital journalism and organizational communication.

Date: February 16
Time:  17H00
Place: Monseñor Cándido Rada Auditorium. “El Girón” campus, Building B.