Territorial, Indigenous Autonomy and Conflicts in the Ecuadorian Amazon

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico Quito viernes, 10 febrero 2017

Universidad Politecnica Salesiana and its Management of Local Sustainable Development major in Quito invite you to attend the discussion panel titled “Territoriales, Autonomía Indígena y Conflictos en la Amazonia Ecuatoriana: perspectivas”(Territorial, Indigenous Autonomy and Conflicts in the Ecuadorian Amazon: perspectives) where the speakers will be Juan Bottasso, Alfredo Viteri, Catherine Walsh, Rosario Coronel and Pablo Ortiz.

The aim of the event is to identify key elements to understand the current scenario of pressure and disagreement between the State and indigenous communities regarding their territorial rights and self-government.

The following books will also be presented during this event: “Territorialidades, autonomía y conflictos. Los Kichwa de Pastaza en la segunda mitad del siglo XX” written by Pablo Ortiz; “Los desafíos de la plurinacionalidad. Miradas críticas a 25 años del levantamiento indígena de 1990” written byPablo Ortiz, Iván Narváez and Víctor Breton Solo de Zaldívar.

Date: February 10
Place: Monseñor Cándido Rada Auditorium, “El Girón” campus,
Time: 17h00