Course: “Assembly and maintenance of personal computers”

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico Quito sábado, 6 mayo 2017

The university’s branch campus in Quito invites students and / or professionals to take part in the course “Assembly and maintenance of personal computers”. The aim of this course is to provide participants knowledge about the internal structure of a personal computer, its operation, assembly, diagnosis as well as preventive and corrective maintenance, both for hardware and software.

The course is organized by the Centro de Capacitación y Servicios Informáticos (CECASIS) located in “Sur” campus, where participants will carry out preventive maintenance and optimize computers. 

The course will be held on Saturdays, it starts on May 6th and ends on June 18th. The cost is $166.18 for people from the university community and $186.18 for external participants.


Time: 1:30pm – 7:30pm

Place: “Sur” campus, building A, fourth floor