Christmas dinner for workers at UPS

Cuenca, miércoles 24 diciembre 2014
Mass celebration
Mass celebration

The authorities of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana invited all of its workers to a special Christmas dinner to celebrate the holiday season. To start, Father Javier Herrán Gómez celebrated mass along with Father Juan Arias. 

Before dinner, Father Javier Herrán thanked everyone at UPS for their work in favor of all university students. Then, Flavio Quizphi, President of the teachers and workers association at UPS, pointed out that this celebration is held in tribute to all who have worked for the university.

UPS-Cuenca Vice President Cesar Vásquez Váquez made a toast, thanked everyone for their work, encouraged everybody to keep working hard in benefit of the institution; he finally wished everybody a merry Christmas and a happy new year.