Bases de Datos

Bibliotecas Virtuales

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Base de Datos

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ebrary is a digital library with a personalized collection of e-books in English. It also has multiuser e-books bought by the university.

Tutorial on how to use Ebrary

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Elibro is a digital library that offers e-books in Spanish on the most important academic contents, as well as research, papers, professors’ notes, and more. Over 63,000 titles in Spanish. 

Tutorial on how to use e-libro

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Gale a Cengage Company is a database with information on all fields of knowledge. 5 multidisciplinary data bases for research and university teaching. 5 portals of knowledge for professional degrees in business, the environment, social sciences, political science and international relations.    

Tutorial on how to use Gale

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This database contains journals, magazines and transactions; specific books for engineering degrees, All Society Periodicals Package, a broad online collection of all journals and magazines in engineering, electronics and computer science published by IEEE. You have access to over 152 IEEE journals, retrospective files since 2005, complete books and over 241,000 documents. Access to over 3.5 million documents, IEEE journals, transactions and magazines (158), IEEE conference memoirs, IET journals and magazines (26), IET conference memoirs (+20), over 1,200 annual IEEE and IET Conference memoirs. IEEE spectrum, over 2,400 technical standards approved and published by IEEE. Online dictionary of IEEE standards and complementary access to over 4,000 conference memoirs of more than 20 conference books of VDE publishing house.  

Tutorial on how to use IEEE Xplore

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Over 1,189 journals in Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Health Sciences, Engineering and Chemical Engineering which have been selected according to specific needs fo Ecuadorian universities.  

Tutorial on how to use Science Direct

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The most complete database in the market. It provides access to over 20,000 journals, patents, research websites, books, etc. 

Tutorial on how to use Scopus

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A database with high quality academic e-books from university libraries on different areas such as art, economics, business, education, language, literature, medicine, philosophy, poetry, political sciences, religion, social sciences, engineering, technology, etc. Publishing houses: Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press, Elsevier LTD, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Sage Publications Ltd, John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Tutorial on how to use EBSCO eBooks

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EBSCO Discovery Service is one of the most complete multidisciplinary databases: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Fuente Académica Premier, Computers & Applied Science Complete, SocINDEX Full Text, Engineering Source

Tutorial on how to use EBSCO Discovery Science

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Web of Science is designed for both beginner researchers and professionals. Its optimized search process makes it easy to explore and analyze available research in several fields.

Tutorial on how to use Web of Science

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ACM Digital Library has a complete collection of all ACM publications including ACM journals, congress records, magazines, newsletters and multimedia content with the most complete files of papers on computer science. 

Tutorial on how to use ACM Digital Library

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Complete high impact and visibility journals in the field of science and technology. SpringerLink provides scientific journals with refereed papers on all areas of engineering and applied sciences.
Topics: computing, biomedicine, civil engineering, electronic engineering, industries, mechanical engineering, physics applied to energy, etc. 
A collection of more than 6,500 e-books, downloadable PDF and HTML files according to availability. Some tools: printing, subscription alerts. 

Tutorial on how to use Springer

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Social Sciences and Humanities Collection has full text high impact journals on anthropology, archeology, arts and humanities, behavior sciences, business, administration and economics, criminology and law, education, geography, urban planning, environment, culture, mental health, political studies, psychology, sociology, sports, tourism and safety studies.
Science & Technology Collection has over 500 specialized journals in the fields of science and technology, on chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, engineering, biotechnology, genetics, agriculture and environmental sciences. 80% of titles are indexed to Web of Science.   

Tutorial on how to use Taylor y Francis

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ODUCAL provides free Access content to its collection which has been selected by participating university libraries or by ODUCAL officials.
It includes catalogues, tutorials, books, book chapters, journals, papers, thesis, videos, repository, directory, memoirs, and more. 

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The Sport Discus database is the main source of literature or studies on sports and sports medicine. It provides full text content of many recognized journals. It is a fundamental tool for health professionals, researchers and students in the fields of fitness, health and sport studies. It includes over 650 full text journals, over 3,800 detailed records of videos related to sports. Some of the topics are: Clinical specialties such as Orthopedics, Coaching and Education, Consumer Health, Exercise Science and Fitness, Health Education, Kinesiology, Nutrition, Occupational Health and Safety, Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Sports Science and others.

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Emerald insight provides high impact research on business ethics, entrepreneurship, startups, family businesses, management studies, sustainability, international business, corporate social responsibility, research and development, competitive strategy and more. 

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Magisterio Editorial is a digital library specialized in education and pedagogy. 100% in Spanish. 

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CAB Animal & Veterinary Science Book Collection provides more than 100 books on animals and relevant problems. It is one of the main sources of full text academic literature worldwide on topics such as agriculture, public health, food science and the environment. 

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This database was created in 2020 to collect, systematize and disseminate information about Ecuadorian Intercultural bilingual education, ethno education and interculturality. The publications in this database come from university libraries and private files. 


Lexis provides innovative technology that seeks to optimize and personalize daily university research. It includes online consultation of legal databases owned by Lexis S.A. You will have access to over 5,000 downloadable full text legal documents, access to legal tools, online courses and official repository. It also has a grading system which allows you to organize your grades, a new system of advanced search, virtual library, direct access to Google Drive and social networks. 


Vlex provides the greatest coverage of primary and secondary legal contents (full text books and journals) in the region. It includes updated versions of the most relevant law codes and the most relevant legislation from 15 Latin American countries, all in one intelligent platform. 


Plataforma que contiene Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera actualizada, Normas Internacionales de Auditoría, Ejercicios de Aplicación, Normativa legal Ecuatoriana vigente, Enlaces de interés, Diccionarios y glosarios de términos para las áreas Contable, Administrativa y Financiera; y más

SAE International

SAE International (Sociedad de Ingenieros Automotrices) alberga más de 226 000 documentos técnicos, normas, informes, libros, revistas y otros contenidos líderes en la industria. La base de datos contiene normas SAE o documentos técnicos hasta colecciones más pequeñas basadas en temas y tecnologías sobre el área de automotriz.