Symposium on Processing and Analysis of Medical Information

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Congreso Cuenca martes, 17 noviembre 2015

UPS is pleased to invite you to the International Symposium on Processing and Analysis of Medical Information SIPAIM-2015 which will take place from the 17th to the 19th of November. The event will be held at UPS on November 17th and at Universidad de Cuenca on November 18th and 19th. 

The aim of the event is to have a forum where professionals and students in the field of engineering and medicine can share their experiences on the application of engineering methods to solve clinical problems, such as the processing of medical information and telemedicine. 


-    Acquisition and Processing in Medical and Biomedical imaging
-    E-Health
-    Analysis of medical procedures guided by images
-    Parkinson & Kinematics of human movement
-    Modelling based on the processing of biomedical signals
-    Clinical solutions based on free software


•    Anant Madabhushi, Case Western Reserve University, USA
•    Paul Yushkevich, University of Pennsylvania, USA
•    Norberto Malpica, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, SPAIN
•    Fernando Mora, Universidad Simón Bolívar, VENEZUELA
•    Franco Lepore, University of Montreal, CANADA
WORKSHOPS: There will be workshops/tutorials held according to the topics of the conference.


•    Students      $100
•    Professionals  $300 

CERTIFICATES: Participants will get a certificate of attendance endorsed by Universidad de Cuenca, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and Sociedad SIPAIM as long as they attend all the activities in the congress and at least one tutorial. 
For more information go to
