Students Association at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (FEUPS, for its acronym in Spanish) 

FEUPS is an autonomous organization with a liberal, social, political, participative and fair perspective. Its aim is to integrate and get university students involved by respecting their diversity and distinction, as well as encouraging cultural, ethnic, gender, religious, political, ideological, and organizational freedom by promoting fairness among everyone in the University.

We believe students are active people in society and the university.

We respect what students do and we promote their right to develop as students and human beings.

We believe in life, in conceptualization of human beings and the capacity of human awareness and relationships.

We fight, defend and encourage personal and collective freedom.

This federation is committed to life and to students' development as people. We do not want to be passive; we want to play active roles.

We fight against all types of abuse and exploitation that halts people to develop liberally with respect and equal rights. 

We have created our own identity which defines us politically, but above all it defines us as university students.