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Registration for the September 2024 - February 2025 period

Registration for the September 2024 - February 2025 period

1. Undergraduate programs:

Business administration (morning, afternoon and evening schedules)

Architecture (morning, afternoon and evening schedules)

Biochemistry and Pharmacy (afternoon schedule) - New program

Biomedicine (morning and afternoon schedules)

Biotechnology (morning schedule) 

Computing (morning and afternoon schedules)

Communication (morning schedule)  

Accounting and auditing (morning, afternoon and evening schedules)

Law (morning and evening schedules)

Multimedia design (morning and afternoon schedules)

Economics (morning and afternoon schedules)

Basic education (evening schedule)

Early education (evening schedule)

Electrical engineering (morning and afternoon schedules)

Electronics and automation (morning schedule)

Physiotherapy (afternoon schedule) - New program

Environmental engineering (morning schedule)

Automotive engineering technology progam (morning, afternoon and evening schedules)

Civil engineering (morning, afternoon and evening schedules)

Production engineering (morning schedule) New program

Industrial engineering (evening schedules)

Mechanics (morning schedule)

Mechatronics (morning, afternoon and evening schedules)

Digital businesses (morning schedule)

Veterinary medicine (morning schedule)

Dentistry ( afternoon schedule)

Pedagogy of physical education (morning schedule)

Psychology (morning schedule)

2. Requirements to register (new students):

According to current regulations, the requirements are:

  • Legible scanned copy of ID, identification card or passport for foreigners
  • Legible scanned copy of notarized high school diploma or a certificate stating the student is in his/her senior year
  • Foreign students: notarized copy of a certificate from the Ministry of Education validating the high school diploma along with a copy of the high school diploma

Registration will be open until May 1st, 2024

Registration has no cost. Once you are registered you can enroll and pay enrollment fees which is $200

Payment forms:

Click here to download instructions on payment forms​​​​​​​

  • Fill in the complementary information form HERE.

  • This is a compulsory requirement in order to continue with the admissions process. If you need help with the form write to: bienestarestudiantilcue@ups.edu.ec​​​​​​​

To finish the process, you must register the subjects you will be taking during the first term. You must login at www.ups.edu.ec and click in "matricula en línea". 

To learn more about the process or request help, Click Here

You will also get an email  with detailed information on the process


Priscila Vallejo

Email: avallejo@ups.edu.ec

Phone number: (07) 4135250 ext.: 1384 

WhatsApp: 0995058930

Attention hours: 8h00 - 13h00 and 14h00 -18h00


Gabriela Arias

Email: mariasy@ups.edu.ec

Tel.: (07) 4135250 ext. 1159

Attention hours: 08:00 a 13:00 y de 15:00 a 18:00