GUAYAQUIL: 3rd Modern Dance Festival at UPS

Guayaquil, martes 28 octubre 2014
GUAYAQUIL: 3er Festival de Danza Moderna en la UPS
GUAYAQUIL: 3er Festival de Danza Moderna en la UPS

Important dance schools and academies from took part in the 3rd Modern Dance Festival which was held last October 24th in the UPS-Guayaquil-Centenario Campus.

Under the coordination of Karina Hidalgo and the cooperation of the Dance and Cheerleader group instructor Maria de los Ángeles Andrade, they showed that dancing is both life and culture. 

Two schedules were programmed to witness 20 dance academies perform their modern dance moves, in the morning from 10am to 1pm and at night from 6pm to 8pm. The aim of this festival was to support local culture and encourage dancing among students, professors and overall public.

In the words of Don Bosco: " a country's happiness depends on the youth's education", Universidad Politénica Salesiana works not only to educate professionals with academic quality, but also to create spaces for modern dance artists  and contribute to culture.