SENESCYT accredited UPS as a social innovation promoter

UPS, martes 31 marzo 2015
Juan Pablo Salgado (right),being awarded by René Ramirez, from SENESCYT
Juan Pablo Salgado (right),being awarded by René Ramirez, from SENESCYT

The National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENESCYT) held the first meeting to discuss the preliminary project of the organic code of social knowledge economy, creativity and innovation. 

During the event, they officially named the 11 institutions that passed SENESCYT's evaluation process and will be in charge of forming new national entrepreneurs. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana was one of the protagonists at the event; it was accredited as a specialized preparation and support center for innovative projects with great potential in order to turn Ecuador into a social innovation system. Juan Pablo Salgado, research director at UPS, gave a speech on behalf of all the accredited institutions and explained the processes UPS had to go through to overcome a thorough evaluation process that now allows the university to become an innovation center authorized to receive previously approved projects and actively monitor the projects economically and administratively. 

The university was also awarded the "PGWOOD" recognition for its innovative potential aimed at meeting the needs of society and the productive sector. This acknowledgment was received by UPS professors Luis Garzón and Luis López, and UPS students Diego Lazo and Alvaro Cuji, since their Project was one of the five winners of the Banco de ideas contest which will award the winners up to $50,000 as seed money to start innovative businesses. 

Ecuadorian authorities highlighted the importance of partnerships between academia and the industrial sector of the country in order to change the country's production model and move towards knowledge economy. The Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas congratulated  the innovators on their work.