Resilient territories and risk reduction

Guayaquil, viernes 6 mayo 2016
Henry Peralta (middle) with students and professors
Henry Peralta (middle) with students and professors


On May 2, UPS-Guayaquil held a talk on resilient territories and the reduction of urban risks, a project which was approved by the UN's third world conference on risk reduction for disasters, held in Sendai, Miyagi (Japan).

Henry Peralta, a Colombian engineer, is the promoter of the campaign titled "Developing resilient cities", he talked to UPS students and professors in order to strengthen the dissemination of the Sendai framework as an alternative to development within sustainable territories. "we are trying to convince local governments to integrate risk management in their development policies", he said.

According to Wilfrido Rosales, president of Gestión Integral de riesgos (risk management), they have worked with UPS to create academic talks in order to find initiatives to face risks and natural disasters. "The talks are aimed at all professionals who work with structures", said Rosales.

Resilient is a term that refers to risk reduction and the need to strengthen factors to face the risks of natural disasters. "This is the opportunity to learn, the country's current situation forces us to learn", said Henry Peralta.