Graduation ceremony in Quito

Quito, viernes 21 junio 2019
The graduation ceremony
The graduation ceremony


Our branch campus in Quito held a graduation ceremony for 328 new professionals in pedagogy, communication, biotechnology, psychology, anthropology, business administration, accounting, management and leadership, management for sustainable development, intercultural education, electronics engineering, environmental engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering and electric engineering.

The ceremony was presided by Jose Juncosa, vice president of our campus in Quito; Patsy Prieto, director of the computer engineering program; Sonia Guaño, from mechanical engineering; and Narcisa Medranda, from the communication program. Danny Ramirez, Paola Robles and Vanessa Aguilar spoke on behalf of all the graduates.

"We want to thank this university for giving us the opportunity to have quality education, both academically and ethically speaking", said Danny Ramirez. 

"We received professional education, now it is up to us to use our knowledge and continue growing. As professionals, being proactive, creative and passionate will help us make a difference", said Vanessa Aguilar.

Recognition certificates were awarded to Flor Coello for her outstanding performance in social activities, Juan Fransisco Morales for being part of the ecology club, Jose Chavez for being a member of the choir, Isis Patiño in the dance group and Ronald Vargas from the missionary group. 

Vanessa Serrano and Juan Andres Granda were awarded certificates for their leadership skills and taking part in socio political events. The certificate represents students' competencies in management of social and academic projects, leadership, decision making and social responsibility.