Vinculación con la sociedad
Community engagement
Community engagement
The university´s activities, such as teaching, research, community involvement and management, should all be aligned with the country's progress and contribute with the accomplishment of the goals and policies set forth in the State's "Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir" or National Plan for Good Living"
UPS wants to have an effective participation in society, as well as demanding the university to be socially responsible through programs and projects, which will get people involved. The activities should focus on current contexts like poverty, unfairness, injustice, violence, migration, violation of human rights, and so on.
UPS has a structure for community involvement and internationalization which focuses on offering services according to the community's needs and also according to the institution's fields. Therefore, participation lines have already been set and the programs and projects are as follows:
The activities for Community involvement are:
a. Pre professional internships
b. Continuing education (academic and scientific events)
c. Specialized services (consults, services and research)
d. Social extensions (cultural, pastoral, projects)
e. Student and teacher mobility
f. Cooperation networks

Documentos de interés
Documentos de interés
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