Learn more about the student wellbeing department

Learn more about the student wellbeing department

We care about you! Once you become part of our university community, you have access to several benefits. Professionals in the student wellbeing department in our branch campuses in Cuenca, Guayaquil and Quito will guide and support you at all times. 

The student wellbeing department is in charge of planning, organizing, carrying out and assessing activities, programs and projects which benefit students’ wellbeing and integral development. 

It operates according to the Organic Law of Higher Education and personal accompaniment. 

Support the university so it is preferred by people, especially the poor, who will not only benefit from our academic proposal, but also its aim to build a better society. 

  • Design rules regarding admissions, scholarships and student services; submit them to the Board for approval
  • Collect students’ social and economic information from each branch campus and design projects aimed at reducing difficulties 
  • Cooperate with the pastoral department in monitoring students, community service programs and volunteer work
  • Encourage and guide the creation of student unions and the National Federation of Students
  • Design programs on psycho pedagogy, health and nutrition, and residency for students. 

An institutional analysis on equality of all of Universidad Politecnica Salesiana's stakeholders  


Analyze the situation of equality of all of Universidad Politecnica Salesiana’s stakeholders, focusing more on gender, interculturality, disabilities and socioeconomic conditions in order to design the university’s Institutional Equality Plan.   

Downloadable documents: 

  • Enter, remain, graduate and get a degree without any type of discrimination and according to your academic achievements
  • Have access to quality higher education with equal opportunities
  • Have access to the necessary resources for your education, guaranteed by the constitution
  • Take part in your undergraduate program’s evaluation and accreditation 
  • Be chosen as or choose student representatives, as well as be part of a co-government in case of universities and polytechnic schools
  • Practice freedom of speech, association and academic education in the university premises 
  • Take part in processes to create, disseminate and apply knowledge
  • Have access to non-religious, intercultural, democratic, inclusive and diverse education that encourages gender equality, justice and peace
  • Obtain scholarships, credits and economic support based your academic achievements 


Article 90 of the Organic Law of Higher Education states that private higher education institutions will establish a differentiated system of tuitions for students considering each students’ socioeconomic situation. Students at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana must provide the university information during their admissions process which will allow the university to create equal opportunities and grant students a social equality scholarship. 

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