“Campus Kid”, a project that gets school students involved with computer science

Guayaquil, viernes 29 julio 2022
Campus Kid
Campus Kid


The computer science undergraduate program and the free software academic group organized an event titled “Campus Kid” and invited 6th graders from “Escuela Fransisco Falquez Ampuero” in Guayaquil. Students were in the computer labs, they visited the computer science museum located in our branch campus in Guayaquil and learned about virtual reality tools and apps such as APP Inventor.


Bertha Naranjo, coordinator of the UNESCO chairs program in Guayaquil, said that students used simulators to learn math, created avatars and 3D resources such as Tinkercad. “Our goals were to strengthen their knowledge and disseminate the use of ICTs”. 


It is important that we encourage students to learn about ICTs. “We think it’s great that our students learn innovative things about technology and more sophisticated processes”, said Ana Avalos Espinoza, school teacher.  

“We were impressed with how fast they understood things, it is important that they learn about new advances in computer science and that they are encouraged to study it”, said Darwin Guerrero, student majoring in computer science.


The aim of the event was to encourage kids to become interested in computer science and learn more about new technologies .