“Eduvida” project, academic leveling courses for children

Guayaquil, viernes 2 septiembre 2022
Students who were part of the
Students who were part of the "Eduvida" project


Students from the early and basic education undergraduate programs in our branch campus in Guayaquil provided academic leveling courses for over 120 children in the community of “Nueva Vida” and its surroundings through a community engagement project titled “Eduvida”. 


Susana Pombo, director of the undergraduate programs, explained that students worked reinforced early stimulation, motor and social skills, mathematics and language for children from 6 to 15 years old. “Students not only worked with children, they also worked with children’s parents so they are able to continue this process once classes are over”, said Susana Pombo.   


Lore Rengifo, student majoring in early education, was pleased to have participated in this project. “It was a great experience and it helped me strengthen my knowledge as a future teacher, as well as have an up close look at children’s real needs. 


The second phase of the project is planned for the end of November so that more students can have hands on practice and develop the skills they need to be teachers; as well as develop human and inclusive skills.