140 new graduates at UPS-Guayaquil

Guayaquil, viernes 25 septiembre 2015
Javier Herrán, UPS President, during his speech
Javier Herrán, UPS President, during his speech

On September 18th, UPS-President Javier Herran Gomez and UPS-Guayaquil Vice President Andres Bayolo attended the graduation ceremony for 140 students.

University officials, professors and students' family members attended the ceremony which was held in the university's Centenario Campus in Guayaquil.

After the students received their degree, there was a musical performance by pianist Marco Aguirre Reinel, who played Vals Opus 69 n 2 by Frederick Chopin.

The student with the best grade point average was Mariana Arevalo Pinto, who majored in business administration. "Today is the result of all our successes and failures, today is the beginning of the rest of our lives" said Mariana Arevalo.

Father Javier Herran highlighted the work done by each one of the students, their families and of course God, whose support is always present.

There is a feeling of great satisfaction for these students who have nowbecome professionals, but above all, their quality as human beings and citizen awareness which characterize our salesian students who now leave the university. 

"We thank you for leaving the best of you with us during all these years" said Father Herran.