177 professors attended a course on university teaching

Quito, martes 18 octubre 2016
Professors who attended the course
Professors who attended the course


Since September 5th, the university's branch in Quito has been holding a course on University Teaching, which is part of the university's 2014-2018 strategic plan for training professors from all majors. The aim of the course is that professors learn new methodologies to improve the teaching -  learning process.

177 professors learned about the salesian preventive system and the tools used for active methodologies based on cooperative and experiential learning, data collection, interpretation and assessment of students' learning. Finally, they learned how to relate these tools with cooperative learning through the university's virtual learning environments (AVAC for its acronym in Spanish)

The activities were held in groups made up by 20 professors, it was a 40 hour distance mode course that included work in the classroom and on the virtual platform. The units of the course were: the UPS pedagogical model, university teaching methodology, learning assessment and the virtual learning environments.

The inauguration of the course, as well as the first unit, was led by Father Juan Bottasso, president of the UPS Abya Yala Publishing House, and renowned for his work in educating indigenous men and women. Bottasso is also known for fostering the creation of the applied anthropology and sustainable development majors at UPS.

In his talk, Father Bottasso compared Don Bosco's pedagogical model with current university education. He highlighted the importance of "educating citizens and professionals who can face crises, seek and find solutions".

There was also a workshop on methodology in university teaching led by Luis Sangoquiza, expert in education sciences.