186 new professionals in Guayaquil

Guayaquil, martes 20 diciembre 2016
New professionals in Guayaquil
New professionals in Guayaquil


On December 15th and 16th, the university's branch in Guayaquil held a graduation ceremony for 186 students who finished their studies in Business Administration, Accounting, Communication, Computer engineering, Electric engineering, Electronic engineering and several post graduate programs. 

The ceremony was presided by Andres Bayolo Garay, vice president of the university's branch in Guayaquil; Angela Flores, academic coordinator, and representatives from all the majors and master's degree programs in the university. 

Andres Bayolo congratulated the new graduates and their families, "Once again I am proud to see so many youngsters reaching their goals, thank you for trusting UPS and remember this will always be your home", he said. 

A special recognition to those with the best grade point average was awarded to Raul Lopez Ortega, electric engineer, and Magdalena Rodriguez Chicaiza from the master's degree program in business administration.

"A salesian student is not only a good professional, he / she is a person with ethics and values. Thank you to all the authorities and professors who always shared their knowledge with us in and out of the classrooms", said Lopez.

Representatives from the salesian group UPS CHANNEL TV awarded Carlos Castillo Yepez an award for his contribution to the development of the internal communication of the university through this online channel.