2010 Nobel Prize winner cited a paper written by UPS professor

UPS, viernes 1 julio 2016
Professor Luis Garzón, Ph.D. (center) during his visit to Ottawa
Professor Luis Garzón, Ph.D. (center) during his visit to Ottawa

The paper titled Electrical conductivity maps in graphene nanoplatelet/silicon nitride composites using conducting scanning force microscopy"  written by UPS professor Luis Garzón, has been cited by renowned scientists such as the 2010 Noble Physics Prize winner Konstantin S. Novoselov Professor Garzon's work is part of the "Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems" which contains the work of the most important scientists in the world, such as Konstantin S. Novoselov, known for his innovative experiments with Grapheme in the University of Manchester. 

For several decades research on new materials has been reflected in technological devices based on solid state and on organic molecules used in micro mechanical, electronic, sensor systems and others, and each time there is a reduction in the dimension. Terms such as spintronics, nanomechanical systems or magneto-electronics has been introduced into the language as new theories and prototypes are developed.

Since 2000, researchers at the Research Centre of the University of Manchester in the UK developed the techniques to obtain a material that could compete with established silicon based devices, a material called graphene. Perhaps we are at the gates of the new devices based on a new material, a boost that would take us to new technological stage, as predicted in the empirical theory by Gordon Moore in 1965. Thus, in the last decade the contribution of scientific and technological innovation of systems based on this material has increased.

The "Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems"  contains the best information on Nano science, particularly the study and development of devices based on dimensional graphene material.

This publication contains over 2000 papers from the last decade, one of them is the paper titled "Electrical conductivity maps in graphene nanoplatelet/silicon nitride composites using conducting scanning force microscopy", which was published in 2011 by researchers from the Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio de Madrid y Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona which Luis Garzón was part of. 

Professor Luis Garzón is currently the director of the mechanical engineering major in Cuenca and the coordinator of the New Materials and Transormation Processes Research Group (Grupo de Investigación en Nuevos Materiales y Procesos de Transformación (GiMaT). He continues to explore new materials and to encourage researchers from GiMAT to find solutions to current problems. 

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