289 new graduates at UPS-Quito

Quito, viernes 12 febrero 2016
José Juncosa during his speech
José Juncosa during his speech

On February 4, Father Jorge Molina, Chancellor of Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, and UPS-Quito Vice President  presided the graduation ceremony for 289 graduates from several majors such as natural resources biotechnology, business administration, accounting, pedagogy, journalism, anthropology, philosophy, theology and intercultural education. 

During his speech, Father Molina said "do not forget to cherish empathy in your lives, be capable of linking knowledge with heart, your personal goals and your family's, as well as science, work and spirituality. Linking these elements will make you better people academically and professionally"

Father Molina reminded everyone that salesian higher education institutions are about Christian inspiration, Catholic character and Salesian nature that prioritizes lower income groups. It integrates culture, science, education and evangelization.

Ana Maria Narváez, director of the pedagogy faculty, and Grace Moreano, director of the business administration faculty gave a speech to the new graduates. And Diana Lopez and Diana Vega spoke on behalf of the students.