2nd edition of the UPS Research Awards

Cuenca, martes 1 agosto 2023
UPS president Juan Cárdenas awards Ángel Torres
UPS president Juan Cárdenas awards Ángel Torres


The university held the 2nd edition of the UPS Research Awards in the city of Guayaquil. The event acknowledges professors’ and students’ research, scientific production and results which have benefited society.  


This new edition recognized and awarded members of our university community nationwide; members who have presented projects with great impact within the field of scientific production, as well as research groups, the publication of books, research carried out within platforms such as Web Of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar, and professors who have supported the attainment of sustainable development goals. 


The following indicators were taken into account for the nominations: Collaboration between professors and students, Correspondence Authorship, Participation in Research Projects and Performance in the Development of Scientific Production.
In the category of greatest scientific production, the winner was Ángel Torres. In the Greater Scientific Production category, the winners were Gustavo Caiza and Joe Llerena.


For the university, research is the core of social transformation, where the work of professors and students represents science with awareness, from a human perspective and with a transdisciplinary approach where knowledge and creativity merge to contribute to a better world.