5000 people received donations from UPS professors and students

Quito, miércoles 21 diciembre 2016
Habitants from the community of Pasa received the donations
Habitants from the community of Pasa received the donations


On the 17th and 18th of December, 144 students and 15 professors from the university's branch in Quito delivered the donations that were collected during the "2016 Christmas Campaign" to 5000 people with low economic resources in the communities of Pasa, Zumbahua, Salinas de Guaranda and the following neighborhoods in Quito: La Forestal, 24 de Mayo; el Proyecto Salesiano "Chicos de la Calle"; GAD Portovelo, la Parroquia Cristo Rey de La Tola, la Residencia Universitaria Intercultural, el Oratorio "P. José Carollo" and El Morro, the latter is located in the Ecuadorian coast.

The university's pastoral department managed to collect 2267 bags of groceries, 3614 bags of sweets and 3671 toys, which were donated by students and professors from the university's branch in Quito.

Hundreds of boys, girls and adults were happy to receive the donations and take part in some recreational activities planned by university volunteers. 

The Christmas campaign was organized by the pastoral department and the aim was that the university community celebrate Christmas full of faith and solidarity, as well as help strengthen the institution's Salesian identity.