5th Congress on Salesian Education

Quito, viernes 18 noviembre 2022


From the 15th to the 17th of November our branch campus in Quito held the 5th Congress on Salesian Education; the congress was attended by over 500 people, students, professors, researchers and representatives from higher education salesian institutions in Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, El Salvador, Spain and Ecuador. 


The opening ceremony was attended by Juan Cardenas, UPS president; Mario Olmos, coordinator of IUS America and president of Universidad Don Bosco de El Salvador; Angela Flores, academic coordinator; Maria Sol Villagomez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito; Fernando Moscoso, vice president of our branch campus in Cuenca; Daniel Llano, coordinator of the Congress; and other university officials. 

Jorge Baeza, from Universidad Catolica Silva Herinquez de Chile, presented the topic “El necesario camino del asociativismo juvenil, desde un nosotros excluyente a un nosotros inclusivo". Pedro Nuñez, from the Research Institute for Latin America FLACSO, spoke about educational challenges in the face of new forms of sociability: and Maria Elena Ortiz, from UPS, presented the research “La coeducación, espacio de aprendizajes, convivencia y cooperación". 


There were other talks on: "La calidad de los procesos interactivos en los ambientes virtuales" presented by Pablo Farfán and Francisco Botelho and "La participación juvenil y estudiantil, entre formatos online y offline", presented by Liliana Mayer.  


The Abya Yala Publishing House presented the book: “Comunicar y educar en el mundo digital” by Juan Cardenas and Andrea De Santis. The book was commented by Gildasio Mendes, salesian advisor for social communication; Fabio Pasqualetti, Universidad Pontificia Salesiana de Roma; and Katherine Huamán, co-author of the article “El Gris, la radio”.


The book "Desafíos educativos contemporáneos: Educación Salesiana para la innovación y participación en contextos de crisis" was presented by Maria Sol Villagomez, Katia Papic and Roberto do Nascimento. 


The book "Memoria Fotográfica: misiones andinas 1979 - 1990" by Felipe Mayordomo, contains historical images about salesians in the sierra and the amazon.