630 new students in our postgraduate programs

UPS, martes 17 mayo 2022
mae Quito
mae Quito


In May, 630 people decided to study a master’s degree here at our university. As a higher education institution, we are committed to educating people to become excellent professionals based on values and meeting the demands and reality of the labor market. 


Why is it important to study a master’s degree at our university?

Part of our university’s social responsibility is to endow its students with new knowledge so they are capable of meeting new professional challenges. The university has a group of highly trained national and international professors and researchers who provide students the best learning experiences possible. 

The aim is that students develop the skills needed to make a difference in their field. 

Studying a master’s degree program enables you to be better qualified for new positions, which means you can improve your personal and professional life. According to research, employability of people with a master’s degree is 55% higher than those who only have a bachelor’s degree. It also provides the opportunity for networking with people in your same field that can lead to very interesting projects.


The postgraduate programs will start again in july 2022. If have any questions or need more information, contact 093 966 7574 or click HERE


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Email: posgrados@ups.edu.ec