A talk about the quality of fuel in Ecuador

Guayaquil, jueves 29 septiembre 2022


The automotive engineering undergraduate program in Guayaquil held a talk on “Fuel in Ecuador” to discuss different ideas about the quality of fuel in the country. Students learned more the automotive sector through the talk led by Wesley Lucas, general manager of Diagnostic Latin America BOSCH – Brazil. 

It was an academic, scientific and cultural event to discuss the quality and the effects of fuel in the country. Students and representatives of public and private transport also attended to learn more. Wesley Lucas, states that the relationship between fuels and the environment is direct, “when talking about the advantages and disadvantages of fuels, it is impossible not to mention respect for the environment as one of the great advantages in terms of polluting emissions. It is the students who will develop future technologies for the country” said Lucas. 

Leonardo Alvarado, president of the Gas Station Owners Association, stresses that "information and dissemination is projected to reach citizens with more objective and technical knowledge of the fuel that is being consumed in the country”.

Renato Fierro, director of the automotive engineering undergraduate program, said that the entire population is now interested in learning more about the type of fuel being used. In this event we have had different points of view, academic, technical and business ideas. Having different view broadens our knowledge on the topic”, he said.