A talk on Emotional Intelligence at UPS-Guayaquil

Guayaquil, lunes 2 mayo 2016
Carlos Rossi, PhD, during his talk
Carlos Rossi, PhD, during his talk


UPS-Guayaquil held a conference titled "Emotional Intelligence in times of crisis" which was given by Argentinean researcher Carlos Rossi who is ranked number one in the Rankin Snap Score in Human Conduct.

This event was aimed at students, professors and the overall public. It was organized by "Los Lideres", a consulting company which provides advice and training in multidisciplinary topics of innovation, this company also with the research department at UPS.

The aim of the conference was for participants to understand, learn and apply tools to improve their interpersonal skills and be highly productive "young people make a good team to start new projects and UPS has a group that is work admiring due to their vision and audacity", said Rossi.

The speaker explained the Six Second model of emotional intelligence which consists of 3 basic and necessary pillars to activate emotional intelligence: know yourself, choose0yourself and give yourself. "I believe that in each one there is the power to make Ecuador a place of constant development, entrepreneurs that contribute to society and decide to make their dreams come true" said Bianca Benavides, general manager of "Los Lideres" company.