Accounting support services office in Guayaquil

Guayaquil, miércoles 13 julio 2022
Accounting support services office
Accounting support services office


Students majoring in business administration and accounting in our branch campus in Guayaquil provide free accounting and taxation services for SME’s; they are supported by the Internal Revenue Service.


UPS Professor Yeni Ordoñez, coordinator of the accounting support services office in Guayaquil, said that this project started in August 2016 thanks to joint work between the university, the IRS and society. 


“We help entrepreneurs with debts they have with the IRS, we solve their problems”, said Henry Leon, student majoring in accounting and auditing. 


About 150 people come to the accounting support services office every month. Both the community and students benefit from this project; “whenever I come, I get very well organized excellent service. They have helped us understand the importance of taxes”, said Jaime Jara, owner of a small business. 


Victor Vera, director of the accounting and auditing undergraduate program, said it is very common to have elderly people asking for help to get tax refunds”. 



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Address: Robles y Llimberg (Edificio F, UPS sede Centenario)
Attention hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm