An agreement to strengthen security in the city of Cuenca

Cuenca, martes 10 noviembre 2020
Cristian Díaz, Fernando Moscoso, Pablo Burbano and Fernando Carpio
Cristian Díaz, Fernando Moscoso, Pablo Burbano and Fernando Carpio


Our branch campus in Cuenca signed an interinstitutional cooperation agreement with the city's civil security Council which will enable them to work together in several projects and activities regarding security.

Pablo Burbano, vice mayor of Cuenca, stated that this agreement is important in order work alongside academia and have more community engagement and research projects, continuing education courses, internships and more.

Fernando Carpio, director of the civil security council, stated that the agreement will improve support given to civil security in Cuenca.

Fernando Moscoso, vice president of our campus in Cuenca, stated that the agreement will strengthen activities for both institutions, but mainly it will benefit citizens who will learn how to reduce risks.