Ancestral threading techniques in rural communities

Cuenca, viernes 23 febrero 2024
Ancestral threading techniques in rural communities
Ancestral threading techniques in rural communities


Professors Diego Chacon and Eugenio Cardenas from the electrical engineering and mechatronics undergraduate programs in our branch campus in Cuenca visited the community of Jatari to learn more about ancestral threading techniques in rural communities.


Representatives of institutions such as GIZ (Germany) and Teje Mujeres (Gualaceo), as well as members of the Caguanapamba community were also there. The aim was to learn about the traditional process, to improve and optimize these practices in diverse communities.

During the visit, they noticed the use of imported machinery used in the process.  The aim is to design machinery specifically adapted to the requirements and needs of artisanal threading, covering each stage.


The inhabitants of Jatari were happy and committed to working with UPS professors. The visit not only promises to preserve ancestral traditions, but also promote economic and social development in these rural areas.

At the university, we not only stress our commitment to sustainable development and cultural preservation, but we also generate a positive and significant impact in different communities locally and nationally.