Anthropology, spirituality and ethics, topics of the 3rd Salesian Reflection Meeting

Cuenca, martes 4 julio 2017
The conference
The conference "The Ethical Implications of Social Networks" by Andrea De Santis


From the 27th to the 30th of June, the university's branch campus in Cuenca held the 3rd Salesian Reflection Meeting which was organized by the pastoral department.

Participants of this third edition analyzed the most suitable ways to help university students solve their problems from an anthropological, spiritual, ethical and the church's social doctrine. 

The opening presentation was done by Agustín Ortega Cabrera, Ph.D. professor and researcher of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) and the Centro Universitario de Estudios del Seminario Diocesano from Ibarra. His presentation was about the perspectives for an ecological spirituality from Laudato Si (LS) of Pope Francis.

Ortega presented the keys to spirituality from an integral anthropology and ecology with ethics, principles and moral values. As taught by the church's social doctrine, transmitted by LS, and as was anticipated by Don Bosco, a true teacher and witness to this global ecological wisdom. Anthropology and ecology with ethics of caring for life and justice in all its dimensions: personal, psychological, ethical, social, environmental and spiritual.

The second topic on Wednesday 28 was "The Ethical Implications of Social Networks", which was presented by Andrea De Santis, professor in UPS's school of Communication and also the Web Editor. This event was attended by students who have Ethics, Anthropology, church's social doctrine and Social Communication class.

"It is important to always consider the consequences of actions and information that we pút in social networks, because they especially affect the people closest to us," said professor De Santis while he presented some cases of cyberbullying.

Professor De Santis emphasized the importance of analyzing human behavior projected into the digital space in order to deepen the knowledge about the possible risks and dangers that can be found on the web, especially for the young

On the third day, students, teachers and from universities and educational institutions from Azuay and Loja met to discuss the topic "Good practices in the integral education of persons".
During the conversation, the participants shared experiences on the strategies and educational actions implemented in the promotion of integral education of their students "multidimensional and ethical formation", as well as the creation of appropriate environments to turn their work and study into a life project.

At the end of the conversation participants decided to encourage reflection meetings and systematic training for pastoral agents who are involved. They also intend to create a channel of inter-institutional communication, where they can share significant experiences, as well as to establish a class that promotes research and training activities on the integral formation of the person in the subsystems of Ecuadorian education.

Delegations from seven institutions participated in this event: U.E. Asunción, U.E. Técnico Salesiano, U.E. María Auxiliadora, Universidad de Cuenca, Universidad del Azuay, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana