Applied anthropology students work with senior citizens

Quito, miércoles 28 enero 2015
Seniors working
Seniors working

Since December 4th, 2014, applied anthropology students at UPS-Quito have been teaching seniors from Quinchicoto, Tisaleo and Tungurahua art, theater, and dance. This community involvement project is possible thanks to the agreement signed between Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and the local government of Quinchicoto.

The aim is to help seniors face daily circumstances effectively, and diminish their exclusion from society.

The coordinator of the Project and member of the "Support Ecuador Network" (Red de Apoyo Ecuador), Professor Daniela Ochoa said the project allows students to apply what they have learnt during their studies, and help build an inclusive society for vulnerable groups such as the elderly.

Classes are interdisciplinary and enable work in art, psychology, pedagogy and anthropology giving seniors the opportunity to have an important role in society and take part in their communities, which will improve their health by turning them into more active, cooperative and dynamic people.


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