Book Launch "Determinación de Campos Electromagnéticos en Sistemas Eléctricos"

Cuenca, jueves 30 julio 2015
César Vásquez Vásquez, UPS-Cuenca Vice President during his speech
César Vásquez Vásquez, UPS-Cuenca Vice President during his speech

UPS launched the book "Determinación de Campos Electromagnéticos en Sistemas Eléctricos" written by John Morales and Patricia Gavela during a special ceremony held in the Padre Aurelio Pischedda Auditorium at UPS-Cuenca. University officials, professors and students attended. 

UPS-Cuenca Vice President Cesar Vasquez presided the ceremony by first welcoming all the participants and then introducing the authors. He said the book is the result of the authors' knowledge, experience and effort to write this technical book for the university community. The book started one year ago in the month of june when the authors thought about writing the book based on the results of their thesis project. Cesar Vasquez said this should encourage students to write their own books and projects. The book will be useful for  electrical engineering students. 

The book was presented by Flavio Quishpe , UPS-Cuenca professor who did the technical and scientific analysis of the book. The authors, together with Juan Pablo Bermeo, studied electromagnetic and electrostatic fields as possible causes of health disorders.

The book contains all the possible effects of electromagnetic fields with power frequency of 40 or 50 Hertz on people's health. It presents the results of research conducted so far by various scientific bodies, with the regulations of the maximum levels proposed by international bodies.

John Morales, thanked the university officials for all their support in writing the book, he said he felt pleased to present it and dedicated it to his wife.