Ceremony to acknowledge students with the highest grade point averages

Cuenca, viernes 10 noviembre 2023
Students during the ceremony
Students during the ceremony


The students’ well being department in our branch campus in Cuenca held an event to acknowledge students who have achieved the highest grade point averages in their majors; for both online and on campus students.


Students were awarded certificates to recognize their effort, hard work and commitment with academic excellence and their will to succeed in a diverse and challenging environment.


Students from on campus undergraduate programs: Karina Sucuzhañay from business administration; John Yunga from architecture; Diego Bravo from computer science; Byron Cuzco from communication; María Castro from accounting; Emily Gutiérrez from multimedia design; David Guamán from economics; Diego Barrera from basic education; Joseline Mendoza from early education; Brandon Garay from electricity; Sergio Gallardo from automotive engineering; Daniela Yungan from industrial engineering; Patricio Romero from mechatronics; Estefanía Novoa from digital businesses and César León from dentistry.


Students from online undergraduate programs: Gabriela Paredes from anthropology; Elizabeth Santacruz from law; Gissela Chala from local development; Virginia Zamora from EIB and Augusto Pérez from theology.


We congratulate all these students and encourage them to keep up the good work.