Ceremony to honor athletes and coaches in our branch campus in Cuenca

Cuenca, lunes 7 agosto 2023
The basketball team
The basketball team


The students’ union (FEUPS for its acronym in Spanish) in our branch campus in Cuenca held a ceremony to honor athletes and coaches, who have represented the university in several tournaments, for their work, effort and achievements.
Fernando Moscoso, vice president of our branch campus in Cuenca, stressed the importance of protecting the university’s colors and prestige, while playing ethically and respecting rivals.  

About 250 athletes played in soccer, basketball, tennis, crossfit, volleyball, swimming and chess tournaments. They won a total of 17 first places, 7 second places, 8 third places and 1 fourth place, in the national 3x3 tournament organized by Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). During the ceremony, the university also presented the coaching staff for basketball, soccer, rugby, CrossFit and volleyball. 


The achievements of all the teams show the athletes’ effort and commitment; we congratulate everyone from our branch campus in Cuenca who took part in the tournaments.