Community engagement project with the community “Nueva Vida”

Guayaquil, viernes 20 mayo 2022
The early and basic education programs are in charge of the project
The early and basic education programs are in charge of the project


Professors and students from the early and basic education undergraduate programs in our branch campus in Guayaquil held a meeting with people from the community “Nueva Vida” to plan a community engagement project that will benefit over 70 children from the community with academic tutoring. 


Susana Pombo, director of the education undergraduate programs, stated that “the project will strengthen children’s skills in math, language and English. Please tell everyone about the project so more parents can bring their children”.


Alejandro Suarez, president of the community, said they are committed to working with the university in order to meet children’s education needs. “Without education, there’s no development. This project will help us educate children and help them improve their academic skills”.