Conference on Community Psychology

Quito, lunes 4 julio 2016
Members of the GIPS research group
Members of the GIPS research group


Gino Grondona Opazo, professor in the faculty of psychology and the coordinator of the Psychosocial Research Group (Grupo de Investigaciones Psicosociales GIPS - GIPS for its acronym in Spanish) presented the results of his research during the 6th International Conference on Community Psychology titled "Diálogos globales sobre pensamiento crítico, liberación y comunidad"  which was held in Durban, South Africa.

This conference is one of the most important international events in the field of community psychology and it gives people the opportunity to widen the debate of this discipline around different regions worldwide, as well as strengthen the south – south dialogue, which is currently very necessary.

Professor Grondona presented two papers, the first titled "Decolonialidad e Interculturalidad en Psicología Comunitaria: (Re) pensamiento crítico para la transformación social en América Latina" and the other "Lucha popular por el lugar en la periferia urbana de Quito: Reflexiones críticas desde/sobre la Psicología Social Comunitaria"

During this Conference, UPS took part in the annual meeting of the Latin American Network of Training in Community Psychology. This event allowed professors and researchers in this field to strengthen ties and plan future work together in research and publications.