Construction of two new buildings in our branch campus in Cuenca

Cuenca, viernes 2 febrero 2024
The ceremony for the placement of the first stone
The ceremony for the placement of the first stone


Our branch campus in Cuenca held a special ceremony for the placement of the first stone which represents the construction of a new six story administrative building and a five story academic building. 


The university has decided to start the construction of these two buildings due to the growth of our branch campus in Cuenca. There will be modern spaces with administrative offices, high technology classrooms, meeting rooms, laboratories, green areas, bike paths and underground parking for 362 cars.  


Father Juan Cardenas, UPS president, spoke about the new construction and thanked everyone who has helped turn this project into a reality. The students’ union president, Emilia Garzón, spoke on behalf of her classmates and said they are happy for the university’s progress.