Continuing education programs for representatives of Azuay came to an end

Cuenca, martes 3 abril 2018
Mauricio Cajamarca, talking on behalf on all the graduates
Mauricio Cajamarca, talking on behalf on all the graduates


One hundred thirty seven people successfully ended two continuing education programs: "Creating leaders in rural areas of Azuay" and "Internal control of the local government" carried out by the university and the National Council of local governments in Ecuador.

The aim of the courses was to provide participants the skills needed to build a society that cooperates and is aware of its rights and obligations. The courses were held between November 25th 20107 and January 25th 2018 thanks to an agreement between the university and CONAGOPARE.

The programs covered several topics, such as the program for the empowerment of leaders of rurall sectors of Azuay, where the topics were digital communication, organizational leadership, projects and governability. In the internal training and control program 56 leaders from the cantons of Gualaceo, Paute, El Pan, Chordeleg and Sevilla de Oro addressed topics such as planning and financial administration and management of human talent.

Edgar Gordillo, technical director of the community involvement department in Cuenca, said these programs are permanently held in UPS and its purpose is to support people in different issues within the economic, social, cultural and political environment.

Rene Lucero, president of CONAGOPARE, thanked UPS for carrying out these projects which benefit the province of Azuay.


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