Course: "I want my rights to be respected"

Quito, jueves 2 mayo 2019
Participants who received their certificates
Participants who received their certificates


One hundred fifty four participants were awarded approval certificates for successfully ending the course "I want my rights to be respected", which was about creating and implementing public policies to guarantee the rights of dometic workers.

The event was coordinated by the community engagement department; the certificates were awarded on April 26th by Jose Juncosa, vice president of the university's branch campus in Quito; Nancy Bastidas, director of the community engagement department; Alexandra Moncada, director of CARE Ecuador, and Nubia Zambrano, coordinator of the program Inclusive Societies. 

The topics the curse were: gender equality, workers rights, job security and human rights. The topics helped identify barriers that hinder access to opportunities and services and create discrimination and exclusion of workers' rights.  

They also spoke about how to recognize signs of violence and risks at work that may affect their activities.