Creative writing workshop

Guayaquil, viernes 29 abril 2016
"Cacería de brujas", the book

The workshops for creative writing which were organized by the university's communication major in Guayaquil came to an end. During the workshop the participants worked on the book titled "Caceria de Brujas" which compiles poems and stories written by prisoners from Guayaquil's detention center.

The book will be presented in May and has over 80 poems, it is the result of the university's agreement with the detention center which began in May 2015 with eight communication students. "The aim of the project is to encourage prisoners to read, write and discover the language", said Professor Augusto Rodriguez, who is in charge of this project.

He added that "it is important for the university to have projects like these in order to improve people's knowledge and creativity as well as educate better people for society.