CUENCA: Carrera de Administración de Empresas realizó expo feria sobre el Mundial de Fútbol

Cuenca, martes 10 junio 2014
CUENCA: Carrera de Administración de Empresas realizó expo feria sobre el Mundial de Fútbol
CUENCA: Carrera de Administración de Empresas realizó expo feria sobre el Mundial de Fútbol

4th year Business Administration students at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana showcased their work at the 2014 Brazil Expo “The other side of the World Cup”. The aim of the expo was to give people further information on each one the countries participating in the world cup, such as their tourist sites, traditions, and businesses. To make the stands even more impressive, there were games, contests, and other dynamic activities for people to take part in.

All 32 stands were decorated in such a way that it identified each country in the World Cup. The students talked the countries’ features, its history, geography, traditions, and of course their previous World Cup experience.

The stands were set up inside the students’ own classrooms and these were some of the most eye-catching games they had prepared: In Spain and Germany you had to kick the ball through a hole; in Holland there was dart shooting; in Italy you had to score a goal on Buffon; in USA there was karaoke; in Mexico they raffled a tequila bottle; South Korea had a Play Station tournament; Portugal and Argentina had a foosball tournament; Brazil had some football tricks; and more.  

People who attended highlighted the students’ creativity to decorate the stands and how they had learned about each country in order to tell people about it.

The University authorities were pleased with the Expo and pointed out the students’ creativity to carry out the event and inform people about the countries participating in the 2014 World Cup.