CUENCA: CEAACES entrega certificado de ACREDITACIÓN por los próximos cinco años a la UPS

Cuenca, martes 27 mayo 2014
CUENCA: CEAACES entrega certificado de ACREDITACIÓN por los próximos cinco años a la UPS
CUENCA: CEAACES entrega certificado de ACREDITACIÓN por los próximos cinco años a la UPS

A CEAACES representative awarded UPS an Accreditation certificate for the next five years

During a ceremony held in Universidad Politecnica Salesiana’s meeting room in Cuenca, the university’s main authorities witnessed Marcelo Aguilera, a representative of the Council of Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CEAACES in spanish) hand UPS President Father Javier Herran the Accreditation certificate for the next five years.

The University president was grateful for receiving the accreditation and said that one of the priorities that UPS has, is to continuously improve quality education so the students’ learning process is the best.

The CEAACES representative said he felt pleased to give Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, a prestigious university, this accreditation certificate since he himself is from Cuenca. He encouraged the authorities to continue improving education in order to provide the country with high academic level professionals.