CUENCA: Clausuran II edición de proyecto "Pasaporte Tributario I" en la UPS

Cuenca, domingo 13 julio 2014
CUENCA: Clausuran II edición de proyecto
CUENCA: Clausuran II edición de proyecto "Pasaporte Tributario I" en la UPS

The accounting training course titled “Pasaporte Tributario I” came to an end

The accounting training course titled “Pasaporte Tributario I” organized by Universidad Politécnica Salesiana-Cuenca and the Internal Revenue Service came to an end in the university’s Monseñor Leonidas Proaño Auditorium. The training course is part of the university’s project Clínica Tributaria Salesiana, which assists people to comply with their tax obligations.

Irene Buele, a professor for the Accounting and Auditing major at UPS and a member of the project, welcomed people to the event and explained the project.

Santiago Solano, director of the Accounting and Auditing major at UPS, thanked the IRS for trusting UPS with this project that has helped small business owners around the university comply with their tax obligations. He said students have been able to put everything they have learned into practice. 

Finally, Jaime Ordóñez, director of the Internal Revenue Service said this project has been beneficial for both institutions because it has allowed students to have professional practice and the Internal Revenue Service to educate small business owners on tax laws and obligations.

To conclude the event, students were awarded a certificate for successfully completing the “Pasaporte Tributario I" training course. Tatiana Molina spoke on behalf of the students that took part in the course to thank both institutions for allowing them to put their knowledge into practice.