CUENCA: Culminó Festival de Teatro organizado por la UPS

Cuenca, martes 3 junio 2014
CUENCA: Culminó Festival de Teatro organizado por la UPS
CUENCA: Culminó Festival de Teatro organizado por la UPS

The Theater Festival organized by UPS came to an end

The I University Theater Festival organized by Universidad Politecnica Salesiana- Cuenca came to an end. The festival was part of the traditional Viernes Cultural Salesiano or Salesian Cultural Friday which takes place on the last Friday of every month.

The Festival was held for two days and these are the groups that participated:

  • Aquelarre from Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, with the play: “Extraños en la Noche”.
  • Malatinta from Quito with the play: “Palestina”.
  • Laberyntus from Cuenca with the play: “Umbral de flores”

All groups had an outstanding performance, leaving the crowd in the Padre Carlos Crespi University Theater thrilled.

The final two plays were performed by Universidad Politecnica Salesiana and Universidad Tècnica de Manbi, they performed “Mi sala es una locura” and “Esperando el Lunes”, respectively.

The directors of the theater groups were pleased with their students’ performance and said that this festival was a great opportunity for students who like theater to strengthen their ties of friendship. 

The authorities at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana said it is important to hold these types of festivals because besides studying students are able to show their acting skills.