CUENCA: Docente de la UPS participó en investigación etnohistórica para el INPC

Cuenca, jueves 9 octubre 2014
CUENCA: Docente de la UPS participó en investigación etnohistórica para el INPC
CUENCA: Docente de la UPS participó en investigación etnohistórica para el INPC

UPS professor participated in ethnohistory research for INPC

UPS professor Blas Garzón Vera, PhD, was a member of the group that conducted research on “Estudio etnohistórico de la dinámica social, económica y simbólica” or Ethnohistory study of social, economic and symbolic dynamics. The research is part of the project, being carried out by the National Institute of Cultural Patrimony (INPC, in Spanish), titled “Implementación del plan nacional de salvaguarda del tejido tradicional del sombrero de paja toquilla en la regional 6, II etapa”, a project aimed at protecting the traditional weaving of the toquilla straw hat.

INPC wanted to learn the social, economic and symbolic implications of the toquilla straw hat during the XIX and XX century.

Preliminary results were presented a couple of days ago at Universidad Nacional de Pedagogía – UNAE, located in Cañar. Here, the researchers showed some documents regarding the research topic that have never been made public. The research team said they would present the final results within the next few weeks.