CUENCA: Estudiantes de la UPS participaron en formula student 2014 en Silverstone

Cuenca, miércoles 16 julio 2014
CUENCA: Estudiantes de la UPS participaron en formula student 2014 en Silverstone
CUENCA: Estudiantes de la UPS participaron en formula student 2014 en Silverstone

UPS students participated in the Formula Student 2014 in Silverstone, England

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana’s UPS Racing Team successfully participated in the Silverstone Formula Student 2014.

The vehicle was built entirely by UPS Automotive Engineering students; it passed every single test planned by the competition’s organizers before being able to compete in Silverstone, England. The members of the jury were surprised the vehicle passed every test without having to correct anything on it, considering it was the first time the UPS Racing Team participated. They congratulated the team on having done a great job building the vehicle.

The members of the UPS Racing team said they had a fairly good participation in the final endurance test, but unfortunately once they got to the finish line they had clutch problems.

The team said it was really important to have finished on top of universities that have participated in this event for 6 or 10 consecutive years. Spanish universities were surprised with our team’s score in the final test; many of them did not even finish the competition.

Finally, the students and their teacher Fabricio Espinoza, director of the project, thanked the university authorities for all their support in building the vehicle and their participation in the Formula Student 2014 in Silverstone, England.