CUENCA: Estudiantes de la UPS presentaron proyecto en la Vicepresidencia de la República

Cuenca, domingo 7 septiembre 2014
CUENCA: Estudiantes de la UPS presentaron proyecto en la Vicepresidencia de la República
CUENCA: Estudiantes de la UPS presentaron proyecto en la Vicepresidencia de la República

UPS students presented their Project to the Vice President of Ecuador

David Valencia, an Electronic engineering student, and Luis Gonzalez, a Systems engineering student, both members of the Computer Systems and Artificial Intelligence Research Group and as well as the Inclusion Technologies group at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana- Cuenca were accompanied by their project director Vladimir Robles and by Bernardo Salgado to present their project SAM the robot (a robot built to assist the elderly) to Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas, under the government's INNOVA project.

Jorge Glas, Vice President of Ecuador, invited these two students to discuss the Project; he congratulated them by saying their project is a big contribution to make the elderly's life better. He also said he would support these two university entrepreneurs on their initiative.

These two UPS students were greatly satisfied for having attended this event which will surely encourage them to continue improving this project and work on new ones that will provide people some kind of service. Vladimir Robes, project director, said that presenting SAM to the Vice President of Ecuador acknowledges David Valencia's and Luis Gonzalez's work and effort on the project.

The Ecuadorian Vice President said that having these two students from UPS-Cuenca was very gratifying and that their Project is really very interesting, especially because it will help the elderly.