CUENCA: La Municipalidad de Cuenca entregará al Rector de la UPS la insignia "Doctora Guadalupe Larriva González"

Cuenca, lunes 7 abril 2014
CUENCA: La Municipalidad de Cuenca entregará al Rector de la UPS la insignia
CUENCA: La Municipalidad de Cuenca entregará al Rector de la UPS la insignia "Doctora Guadalupe Larriva González"

UPS President will be awarded the "Doctora Guadalupe Larriva González" insignia

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana president, Father Javier Herrán Gomez, will be awarded the "Doctora Guadalupe Larriva González" insignia by Cuenca's District Council.  The Council decided to acknowledge Father Javier Herrán's outstanding work promoting culture, science, and prosperity in the city during its extraordinary meeting held on the 28th of March.

The ceremony will take place on April 12th at 11:00am in the city's meeting hall during the plenary in honor of Cuenca's CDLVII foundation anniversary.

The "Doctora Guadalupe Larriva González" insignia was created as a tribute to a woman who was admired as a teacher, union leader, university teacher, political leader, legislator, and Minister of State. She left behind a legacy of support to charitable causes for the benefit of her country.

This acknowledgment fills Universidad Politécnica Salesiana with pride because it represents the work its president has accomplished. Father Javier Herrán expressed his gratitude to Cuenca's District Council and to the University community.