CUENCA: La Rama IEEE de la UPS Cuenca, festejo su día mundial

Cuenca, martes 21 octubre 2014
CUENCA: La Rama IEEE de la UPS Cuenca, festejo su día mundial
CUENCA: La Rama IEEE de la UPS Cuenca, festejo su día mundial

UPS- Cuenca celebrated IEEE day

Students filled the University's P. Carlos Crespi theater to celebrate IEEE day with a special ceremony where students who are members of IEEE explained how this institute works and its activities within the university. 

Father Javier Herrán Gómez, UPS president, congratulated the students who are members of IEEE for their work, and encouraged them to work even harder to achieve the organization's goals. 

The IEEE members gave Father Javier Herrán Gómez one of their team t-shirts as a recognition of his permanent support to all their activities. 

The IEEE members invited students to be part of IEEE and its benefits; they finally presented the NAO robot which impressed the crowd when it introduced all the IEEE members.